Thursday, July 9, 2009

Update on Plan, Plan, Plan

After I posted yesterday about planning and shared my lack of planning for my parents' 50th anniversary gift, I decided I really didn't think I got such a good deal on the digital photo frame that I bought at Target for them, and that it really wasn't exactly what I wanted (too small, wrong color, etc). So I went online again and checked the local stores' websites a second time. I saw a frame at Wal-Mart's website that looked promising and got good reviews, and I saw a couple of nice ones at Microcenter. So I had my husband return the original one to a Target near his office, and then he stopped at Wal-Mart to check out what they had. He said there was nothing good in the store. So, on the way to dropping my daughter off at camp, I stopped at Microcenter and saw one of the ones that I liked online. And, to sweeten the deal, it was on clearance because the box was beat up. I ended up spending only $10 more for a frame that was much bigger than the one I originally bought at Target. I am much happier with my purchase, and will take my own advice next time and plan ahead for my gifts and other big expenses. Now I'm off to find a dress.